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Monday, June 6, 2011

happy to have a daughter...i doubt.

A son is a son till he gets himself a wife but a daughter is a daughter all her life!!! but r we really happy and content to have a daughter today??? a girl still can't go out on a trip with her girl-friends, shop till 10 in night, go for a walk alone after 8 or work late night with her parents sleeping peacefully at night, her father not calling her and her mother not worrying for her. May be then wen she is married and has a husband whose permission she will have to seek obviously. Well this is obvious that i m talking abt india. name one father who is resting at home peacefully when his daughter is out and not married and "young". sometimes being young sees as a punishment.Be it a riche's daughter or poor's daughter, we are born with the liability of being home at "8". and  if a father does not worry himself or be tense then the people around him will make him tense, the news, elders, neighbors all r ready to make the father worry. a boy can party, be out till watever time he wants, drink wat he wants, "wear" what he wants, pee wherever he wants, go for trips, do late night work in short do watever he wants and a girl can only do what people, society wants be it clothes, job, career, her looks, her complexion, her hair and sometimes even her love. so can anyone answer "r we still happy to have a daughter'???

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